The first thing you acknowledge is the red tinted face that is appearing from darkness in the centre of the magazine cover. The face itself is quite scary and intimidating. This shows that the film in question is quite creepy and scary. You then notice the large red writing, ‘HANNIBAL’ and ‘RED DRAGON’. These capital and bold words grab the viewer’s attention and let them know that this is a sequel to the popular film ‘Hannibal’. At the very top and the very bottom of the cover there is an advertisement that has nothing to do with Hannibal. These are advertising other films and TV shows that aren’t even part of the same genre as the main film Hannibal.  Underneath the top advertisement is the name of the magazine, the name is in extremely large red writing and is on a white background, unlike other magazine covers it doesn’t blend with the rest of the cover, this makes it stand out. Underneath there is a self promotion, stating that Empire is ‘The UK’s No.1 movie magazine’, this is to try entice people to buy the magazine. To the right of the main picture there are three small adverts that have barely anything to do with film itself, they are to do with competitions and more, these again are just to try get people to buy the magazine.

The Picture is the main part of the page; it is what draws our attention to it. It is instantly recognisable as the famous series of horror films that revolve around Hannibal lector. The text is red, this links in with the horror theme. There are also several Puns in the text E.G. “Gore Blimey”.  This may be there to make the magazine seem more appealing to buy, showing that it has an element of humour in it. We also see on the left and bottom right several lines advertising what else this magazine contains.    

The first thing that we see is the big scream 2 text. This unlike the Hannibal Lector one is on there to show what film the main article is about, this is probably needed because Scream is not as well known as the Hannibal films. Another thing is that the background is red and after looking back at past issues this is the only one with it one; therefore it must be there as a link to the slasher film in the main article. We also see dotted around the page are groups of text advertising what else is in the magazine.

The title is in the centre of the page so the main article is the first thing that draws our attention. The red writing and background links to the horror theme of the film in the main article. The other text is not coloured red it follows the house style of the magazine, Yellow heading and white text. The characters are wearing black clothes linking with the dark themes of the film. The other text that advertises the other contains is on the right or left of the page keeping it away from the centre. The centre space is occupied by the main articles title and image.  

We see the three main characters of the film all having terrified expressions, we also see the line of text saying “Keep telling yourself its only a movie”. This shows us that the movie is preserved to  be very scary. We also see the text on the left emphasizing how scary it is. Then on the right we are shown what else is in the magazine. We are also shown at the bottom what else  this magazine features.

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